About Us

Why SendForensics?

Eliminating spam and phishing-attacks worldwide by improving the quality of all legitimate email sent.

This, our company's original motto, has resulted in the most comprehensive, data-driven deliverability platform available today. Helping to distance your brand's email output from spam, and maximise engagement across all channels.

Research & development

From a background in forensic fault-analysis for mission-critical systems, SendForensics continues to push the boundaries of data analysis to keep you ahead of the pack.

Article for IEEE Software 200th Edition
Security & data protection

SendForensics is ISO27001:2022 certified to ensure the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of the platform, and most importantly - the data entrusted to it.

BSI ISO27001 certification kitemark
Available expertise

Our dedicated support team is second to none when it comes to the intricacies, idiosyncracies, and occasional incomprehensibilities of the email landscape.

Email support team
Industry experience

As members of one of the leading contributing organisations to global messaging standards, we sit at the bleeding edge of development in the email deliverability, compliance and security spaces.

M3AAWG logo

What insights will your analysis show?

Send your first analysis and find out why your email has been going to spam.

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